Try Out Policy

Try Outs:

 Camrose Softball Association (CSA) will hold evaluations each season based on the registrations received. Registration will define the number of eligible players that will form teams for the upcoming season.

Camrose Soft Ball Association would like to assess each player on their skills and abilities at the time of evaluation in a fair and transparent manner.  Three evaluations will be offered, players must attend at least one.

 The following guidelines will help to provide a consistent policy to respond to situations that may arise.

  • If a potential player has missed registration, the following guidelines will be used to determine the appropriate action:

    • If evaluations have not yet occurred, the player can proceed with scheduled evaluations and be placed on the appropriate team.


  • For a player wishing to be evaluated for a team but was unable to attend scheduled evaluations, the following guideline will be used to determine the appropriate action:

    • If there is room on a roster the player may be placed on a team at the discretion of the board.

    • The coach of said team has the option of evaluating the player that has missed scheduled evaluations but is not required to do so.

      • If the new player is evaluated by the coach and meets the requirements for the team, they will be added to the team and the team roster will be increased by one.

    • Players that have gone through the evaluation process and have been placed on the a team will not be displaced.


Evaluations will be done using the Associations Player Evaluation forms. Evaluation scores are to be kept confidential. No coach or member of the evaluation committee is permitted to share this information with individuals outside the evaluation process. This is intended to reduce gossip, contention or hard feelings within the player and parent community.


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